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About Us

Our Mission

The Council for Educational Diagnostic Services (CEDS) is an international community of assessment professionals who are the voice and vision of special and gifted education.  CEDS’s mission is to improve, through excellence and advocacy, the assessment of children and youth with exceptionalities and to enhance engagement of their families.


Strategic Plan

The Council for Educational Diagnostic Services (CEDS) supports and follows the values, mission and vision of the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC).


CEC Values

  • Dignity and worth of all individuals
  • Diversity and inclusiveness
  • Advocacy and social justice
  • Professional excellence, integrity, and accountability
  • Full participation in society
  • Effective individualized education
  • Family engagement
  • Collaboration and communication
  • Responsibility to members


CEC Mission

The Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) is an international community of professionals who are the voice and vision of special and gifted education.  CEC’s mission is to improve, through excellence and advocacy, the education and quality of life for children and youth with exceptionalities and to enhance engagement of their families.


CEC Vision 

The Council for Exceptional Children is a premier education organization, internationally renowned for its expertise and leadership, working collaboratively with strategic partners to ensure that children and youth with exceptionalities are valued and full participating members of society.  As a diverse and vibrant professional community, CEC is a trusted voice in shaping education practice and policy. 


CEDS Goals in Strategic Plan in alignment with the CEC Strategic Plan 

  1. Quality Assessment and Evaluation 
    Goal:  Promote and support highly qualified, effective diagnostic/assessment professionals to work with and support children and youth with exceptionalities. 
    Objective:  To provide, through professional development opportunities (conference, conference presentations, and professional journals) current and ethical assessment practices when working for children, and youth with exceptionalities.
    Objective:  To collaborate and encourage the growth and acceptance of the NCED credential.
  2. Advocacy
    Goal:  Influence governmental policies in order to advance the teaching and learning of children and youth with exceptionalities, the support for their families, and the preparation and practice of diagnosticians and assessment professionals who work on their behalf.
    bjective:  To work collaboratively with states throughout the country in regard to professional and ethical assessment by qualified and trained diagnostic and assessment professionals.
    Objective:  To support political advocacy by supporting the CEDS CAN (Children’s Action Network) Board position.
  3. Collaborative Partnerships
    Goal:  Advance collaboration and strategic partnerships between CEC, CEC Divisions, CEDS Subdivisions and the professional assessment community.
    Objective:  Continue to support the Professional liaison position of the CEDS Board.
    Objective:  Development new partnerships while continuing existing partnerships.
  4. Organizational Vitality
    Goal:  Enhance CEDS reputation and influence through leadership, organizational performance, and fiduciary effectiveness.
    Objective: To provide high quality and price effective professional conference annual conference.
    Objective:  To provide high quality professional presentations at CEC Conference (PAC participation).
    Objective:  Encourage growth and sustainability in the NCED credential.
    Objective:  Adhere to budget as approved by CEDS membership at annual business meeting (held at CEC conference). 
Last Updated:  26 March, 2021

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