CEC Advanced Specialty Set: Educational Diagnostician Specialist
ADVANCED Standard 1 - Assessment
Knowledge | |
SEDS.1.K1 | Standards of reliability and validity related to individual test measurements |
SEDS.1.K2 | Procedures used in standardizing assessment instruments |
SEDS.1.K3 | Standard error of measurement related to individual test measures |
SEDS.1.K4 | Use of formative, ongoing curricular and behavioral assessments |
SEDS.1.K5 | Uses and limitations of achievement assessment measures and results |
SEDS.1.K6 | Uses and limitations of cognitive assessment measures and results |
SEDS.1.K7 | Uses and limitations of communication and language assessment measures and results |
SEDS.1.K8 | Uses and limitations of motor skills assessment measures and results |
SEDS.1.K9 | Uses and limitations of social, emotional and behavior assessment measures and results |
Skills | |
SEDS.1.S1 | Select formal and informal assessment instruments that contribute to the development of a comprehensive learner profile |
SEDS.1.S2 | Administer and score assessments and interpret results with fidelity |
SEDS.1.S3 | Analyze error patterns |
SEDS.1.S4 | Develop comprehensive assessment reports that outline strengths and areas of needed support for learners |
SEDS.1.S5 | Utilize assistive technology in the assessment process as needed |
SEDS.1.S6 | Recommend accommodations and modifications based on assessment results |
SEDS.1.S7 | Review progress monitoring data to evaluate and revise individual goals, accommodations, and/or modifications as needed |
ADVANCED Standard 2 – Curricular Content Knowledge
Knowledge | |
None Proposed | |
Skills | |
None Proposed |
ADVANCED Standard 3: Programs, Services, and Outcomes
Knowledge | |
SEDS.3.K1 | Assessment procedures that address the variability of individuals within each category of disability. |
SEDS.3.K2 | Over and underrepresentation of individuals with cultural and linguistic diversity referred for assessment |
Skills | |
SEDS.3.S1 | Synthesize information from multiple perspectives in developing a program assessment plan |
SEDS.3.S2 | Consider the learning characteristics of individuals with exceptionalities when recommending programs and services |
ADVANCED Standard 4: Research and Inquiry
Knowledge | |
SEDS.4.K1 | Best practices in research-based assessment |
SEDS.4.K2 | Resources and methods that address student learning, rates, and strategies |
Skills | |
SEDS.4.S1 | Evaluate assessment methods based upon recommended best practices |
ADVANCED Standard 5: Leadership and Policy
Knowledge | |
SEDS.5.K1 | Laws and policies related to assessing individuals with exceptional learning needs |
SEDS.5.K2 | Emerging issues and trends that influence assessment |
SEDS.5.K3 | Implication of multiple factors that influence the assessment process |
SEDS.5.K4 | Models, theories, and philosophies that form the basis of assessment |
SEDS.5.K5 | Issues in general and special education that affect placement decisions for individuals with exceptional learning needs |
Skills | |
SEDS.5.S1 | Design and evaluate procedures for participation in school, system, and statewide assessments |
ADVANCED Standard 6: Professional and Ethical Practice
Knowledge | |
SEDS.6.K1 | Qualifications to administer and interpret test results |
SEDS.6.K2 | Professional organizations and resources relevant to the field of educational diagnosticians |
SEDS.6.K3 | Ethical considerations relative to assessment |
Skills | |
SEDS.6.S1 | Maintain individual privacy and confidentiality |
SEDS.6.S2 | Keep current through professional development activities |
SEDS.6.S3 | Cite all sources of reported information |
SEDS.6.S4 | Inform individuals of the purpose of evaluation and timelines for completion |
SEDS.6.S5 | Provide assessment results in a clear, cohesive, and timely manner |
ADVANCED Standard 7: Collaboration
Knowledge | |
None proposed | |
Skills | |
SEDS.7.S1 | Communicate with team members to determine assessment needs and to review assessment results |
SEDS.7.S2 | Assist teachers with interpreting data, including large-scale and individual assessments |
Last Updated:
13 September, 2021